Publication: Singapore American School
Date: December 6, 2016 Summary: New this year, the advanced topics program seeks to provide relevant, real-world problem-solving experiences for students. Writing Seminar, the English department’s first AT course, offers a way for students who already have an interest in creative writing to delve deeper into the world of letters, through building a community of writers and spending the spring semester on a collaborative project: a published book. In an exciting new partnership with the Center for Professional Education of Teachers (CPET) at Teachers College, Columbia University, consultants Cristina Romeo Compton and Lora Hawkins were at SAS, working directly with AT Writing Seminar students for a week-long launch of the publication project. Excerpt: "When asked what she took away from her first week with SAS students, she is effusive. 'I learned from the students,' she says. 'They’re open and honest and candid. They collaborate with one another with respect and collegiality. It’s really remarkable.' Hawkins is impressed with the structure of the AT Writing Seminar course. 'The first semester was based on community building and practicing skills.' What’s innovative about that? 'In certain contexts that behavior gets dismissed as ‘fluffy.’ People ask, ‘why spend so much time building intimacy amongst your colleagues?’ I think the way the students interact with each other justifies taking time to establish those practices and those relationships.' Read the full article at Singapore American School |