![]() What sparked your interest in education? How did you end up working with CPET? I was dissatisfied with my stint in the corporate world. I wanted to do something more meaningful and impactful. Fortunately, I found the NYC Teaching Fellows, an alternative certification program, which allowed me to pursue a teaching career while getting my masters. It was in my 5th year of teaching when I was introduced to the Student Press Initiative. With their support, my class of third grade students published a book of personal narratives. The people whom I met, and the idea of pursuing another degree, particularly in literacy, sparked my desire to attend Teachers College, where I was fortunate enough to get involved with CPET as a professional development coach. What are your current research interests and current projects?
I am currently in the process of writing my dissertation, which is looking at New York City teachers' perceptions of the Common Core writing standards. My current projects include working with a number of phase out schools throughout the city, to support English teachers in their pedagogy and practice. I am also currently working on publication projects through SPI with elementary and high school students. Lastly, I am involved with MOSL, Measures of Student Learning, as part of the teacher evaluation system in NYC. How does CPET seek educational equity while navigating complicated mandates and policy shifts? I love that we are an organization that puts teachers first. In the current educational climate, teachers are continually blamed, judged, and over-evaluated, and much of the "support" they receive feels scripted and imposed. CPET attempts to truly cater their support to meet teacher and school needs. CPET coaches have taught all over the nation in public and private schools, and bring a unique set of skills and experiences to the table. If your life was a movie, what genre would it be, who would play you, and what is one song you want on the soundtrack? Oh wow... this is a hard question. I think my movie would be a comedy, played by Cameron Diaz, because I think she is a mix of smart, cool and funny. A song on the soundtrack might be a Jackson 5 classic. But if you ask me again next week, I might change my mind. If you could choose one word to summarize CPET's philosophy what would it be? Flexibility. |